Show all info regardless research infrastructures. Switch to CLARIN environment and show only relevant info to CLARIN, e.g. format recommendations by CLARIN centres. Switch to Text+ environment and show only relevant info to Text+, e.g. format recommendations by Text+ centres. Switch to DARIAH environment and show only relevant info to DARIAH, e.g. format recommendations by DARIAH centres.

The CLARIN Standards Information System provides REST API that can be accessed at

Retrieving centre recommendations

Method: GET

Service URL:[centre-id]-recommendation.xml

Recommendations of a centre can be simply retrieved by replacing [centre-id] with a centre identifier listed at the centre page.

Example using curl:

curl ''

Exporting recommendations

Method: GET

Service URL:

Query parameters:

Name Required Description Example
centre no a centre identifier, see the centre page IDS
domain no a domain identifier, see Retrieving domains 1
level no a recommendation level: recommended, acceptable or discouraged recommended
export yes determines if the export should be done yes
ri no filter the recommendations by research infrastructure. The value must be URL-encoded. Possible values: Text+, CLARIN (default) Text%2B

Example using curl:

curl ' centre=IDS&domain=1&level=recommended&ri=Text%2B&export=yes'

Retrieving format descriptions

Method: GET

Service URL:[formatId].xml

A format descriptions can be retrieved by replacing [format-id] with a format identifier that can be copied at the data deposition formats page.

Example using curl:

curl ''

Retrieving domains

Method: GET

Service URL:

Example using curl:

curl ''