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Relevant CLARIN KPIs

Among the 12 Key Performance Indicators that have been adopted as measures of performance of CLARIN, at least three reference areas that the SIS either draws on or directly serves. The two crucial ones are the following:

Key Performance Indicator Measurement
1. Number of certified deposition centres Number of certified deposition centres
2. Collections of standards and mappings Percentage of centres offering repository services that have published an overview of formats that can be processed in their repository

Below, we provide data on KPIs #1 and #2, on the basis of the current content of the SIS.

CLARIN deposition centres recorded in the SIS 42
Number of deposition centres that have provided information (and recorded that in the SIS) 25
KPI "Collections of standards and mappings" as represented in the SIS 60%

Please note that:

  • CLARIN is a dynamic and developing infrastructure: new centres join, existing centres can be disbanded or change their status, and updating that information requires a bit of a time lag. See the list of certified B-centres at for the most up-to-date information.
  • The SIC and the SIS team have provided this platform for sharing the recommendations but cannot be responsible for inputting them or keeping them current for each centre – that is the role of the centres themselves. If you notice that recommendations from some data-depositing centre are missing, please kindly consider inviting that centre to provide their information to the SIS.
  • The SIS provides information on (among others) all the CLARIN centres that allow for data depositions. That set is wider than the set of CLARIN B-centres, and it is the former set that constitutes the basis for the calculation of the CLARIN KPI listed as #2 above.