Show all info regardless research infrastructures. Switch to CLARIN environment and show only relevant info to CLARIN, e.g. format recommendations by CLARIN centres. Switch to Text+ environment and show only relevant info to Text+, e.g. format recommendations by Text+ centres. Switch to DARIAH environment and show only relevant info to DARIAH, e.g. format recommendations by DARIAH centres.
Format Statistics

This section presents various statistics concerning data deposition formats and is still work in progress. Feel welcome to add your suggestions as a GitHub issue.

Item Total number
Formats 115
Domains 18
Media types 71
Recommendation Level Number of Recommendations
Recommended 503
Acceptable 230
Discouraged 44
Domain Number of Recommendations
Audiovisual Annotation 80
Audiovisual Source Language Data 128
Catalogue Metadata 10
Contextual Data 7
Contextual Information 5
Documentation 98
Geodata 41
Image Annotation 2
Image Source Language Data 69
Language Description 4
Lexical Resource 31
Metadata 52
Other 12
Packaging 23
Statistical Data 19
Text Annotation 86
Textual Source Language Data 79
Tool Support 31
Media-types Number of Formats
application/dicom 1
application/ecmascript 1
application/geo+json 1
application/gml+xml 1
application/gzip 1
application/javascript 1
application/json 1
application/ld+json 1
application/octet-stream 2
application/pdf 6
application/tei+xml 5
application/tei+xml;format-variant=dta 1
application/tei+xml;format-variant=dta;tokenized=[0,1] 1
application/tei+xml;format-variant=tei-iso-spoken 1
application/tei+xml;format-variant=tei-iso-spoken;tokenized=[0,1] 1
application/ 1
application/ 1
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 1
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 1
application/vnd.shp 1
application/x-cmdi+xml 1
application/x-filegdb 1
application/x-gmz 1
application/x-hdf5 1
application/x-sas 1
application/x-sas-xport 1
application/x-spss-por 1
application/x-spss-sav 1
application/x-tar 1
application/xhtml+xml 1
application/xml 6
application/xml+tei 1
application/xml;format-variant=x-chat 1
application/zip 1
audio/aiff 1
audio/flac 1
audio/mpeg 1
audio/raw 1
audio/vnd.wave 1
audio/wav 1
audio/wave 1
audio/x-aiff 1
audio/x-nist 1
audio/x-wav 1
image/bmp 1
image/gif 1
image/jp2 1
image/jpeg 1
image/jpx 1
image/png 1
image/svg+xml 1
image/tiff 2
image/vnd.dxf 2
text/csv 1
text/html 1
text/markdown 1
text/plain 12
text/plain-bas 1
text/plain;format-variant=clan-cha 1
text/praat-textgrid 1
text/tab-separated-values 1
text/x-chat 1
text/x-eaf+xml 1
text/x-lmf+xml 1
text/xml 13
video/avi 1
video/mp4 2
video/mpeg 2
video/quicktime 1
video/x-quicktime 1
x-gis/x-shapefile 1