Show all info regardless research infrastructures. Switch to CLARIN environment and show only relevant info to CLARIN, e.g. format recommendations by CLARIN centres. Switch to Text+ environment and show only relevant info to Text+, e.g. format recommendations by Text+ centres. Switch to DARIAH environment and show only relevant info to DARIAH, e.g. format recommendations by DARIAH centres.
Data Deposition Formats

The SIS does not restrict the content of recommendations to the range of formats actually described in the system -- centres can mention any format that they are actually prepared to support, by creating and systematically using a format ID, which generally consists of the character "f" followed by a potentially mnemonic name. In this way, two major classes of broadly understood formats must be distinguished:

  • formats that are part of the SIS inventory, equipped with descriptions, keywords, potentially references to standards that define or use them, etc.
  • formats that are referenced inside centre recommendations, by means of an ID.

These two classes overlap, resulting in a tripartite division:

  1. formats that are mentioned in recommendations and are at the same time described in the SIS (115 'described formats'); these are listed at the bottom of this page;
  2. formats that are mentioned in recommendations and are not (yet) described in the SIS (57 'missing formats'); they are the ones that have a "+" symbol in recommendation lists and that link to predefined GitHub issues;
  3. formats that are described in the SIS but are not mentioned by any recommendation (9 'orphaned formats'); these are mostly either "hub" format categories, or formats once supported by centres but at least temporarily not in the scope of interest.

The present page lists the first category of formats, together with some of the properties that are identified in their descriptions. The other two categories have been delegated to the sanity checker page.

Formats described in the SIS (115)

The name of the format links to its description, sometimes rather stubby (you are welcome to help us extend the list and/or the descriptions, either by submitting an issue at GitHub containing suggested text or corrections, or by editing or adding the relevant format file and submitting a pull request).

By clicking on the icon next to the format name, you can copy the format ID, which may be useful for editing or adding centre recommendations.

Format MIME types File Extensions
AG XMLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .xml
AIFFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied audio/aiff, audio/x-aiff .aif, .aiff
ALTOCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/xml .xml
ANVILCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .anvil
ArcGIS.gdbCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/x-filegdb .gdb
ArcGIS.mxdCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/octet-stream .mxd
ASCII GridCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .asc, .txt
AutoCAD DXF-R12Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/vnd.dxf .dxf
AVICopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied video/avi .avi
BMPCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/bmp .bmp, .dib
BPFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain-bas .par
CHATCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain;format-variant =clan-cha , text/x-chat .cha
CHAT-XMLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/xml;format-va riant=x-chat , text/xml .xml
CMDICopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/x-cmdi+xml .cmdi, .xml
ComaCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .coma
CoNLLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied
CoNLL-UCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied
CoNLL-U PlusCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied
CoNLL-XCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied
CSVCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/csv .csv
CWB-VRTCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .vrt
DC XMLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/xml .xml
DGD-XMLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .xml
DICOMCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/dicom .dcm, .dic, .dicom
DOCXCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/vnd.openxmlfo rmats-officedocument.word processingml.document .docx
DTABfCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/tei+xml;forma t-variant=dta , application/tei+xml;forma t-variant=dta;tokenized=[ 0,1] .xml
DXFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/vnd.dxf .dxf
EAFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/x-eaf+xml, text/xml .eaf
EMUCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied
Erdas.imgCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/octet-stream .ige, .img
EXBCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .exb
EXSCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .exs
F4Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .txt
FLACCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied audio/flac .flac
FLExCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .xml
FLExTextCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .flextext
FLNCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .fln
FoLiACopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/xml .folia.xml, .xml
FSTCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .regex
GeoJSONCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/geo+json .geojson, .json
GeoTIFFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/tiff .gtif, .tif, .tiff
GIFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/gif .gif
GMLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/gml+xml, application/x-gmz .gml, .xml
GrAFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/xml .xml
GZIPCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/gzip .gz
HDF5Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/x-hdf5 .h5
HTMLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/html .htm, .html
I5Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/tei+xml .i5, .xml
JP2Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/jp2, image/jpx .jp2, .jpx
JPEGCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/jpeg .jpeg, .jpg
JSCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/ecmascript, application/javascript .cjs, .es, .js, .mjs
JSONCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/json .json
JSON-LDCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/ld+json .jsonld
KMLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/ rth.kml+xml , application/ rth.kmz .kml, .kmz
Lex0Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/tei+xml .tei, .xml
LMFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/tei+xml .tei, .xml
LMF:2008Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/x-lmf+xml .lmf
MapInfo.mifCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .mid, .mif
MapInfo.tabCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .tab
MapInfo.worCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .wor
MarkdownCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/markdown .markdown, .md, .mdown, .mkd
MenotaCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/xml+tei .xml
MP3Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied audio/mpeg .mp3
MP4Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied video/mp4 .mp4
MPEG-1Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied video/mpeg .mpeg, .mpg
MPEG-2Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied video/mpeg .mpeg, .mpg
MPEG-4 AVCCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied video/mp4 .mp4
NIST SPHERECopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied audio/x-nist .nist
OCFLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied
PAULACopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/xml .xml
PDFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/pdf .pdf
PDF/ACopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/pdf .pdf
PDF/A-1Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/pdf .pdf
PDF/A-2Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/pdf .pdf
PDF/A-3Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/pdf .pdf
PDF/A-4Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/pdf .pdf
PhonDat1Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied
PhonDat2Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied
plainTextCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .txt
PNGCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/png .png
PraatCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain, text/praat-textgrid .TextGrid
QGIS.qgsCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .qgd, .qgs, .qgz, .qlr, .qml
QuickTimeCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied video/quicktime, video/x-quicktime .mov, .qt
RAWCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied audio/raw .raw
SAMCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .txt
SAS.sasCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/x-sas .sas
SAS.sd2Copy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .sas7bdat, .sd2
SAS.xptCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/x-sas-xport .xport, .xpt
ShapefileCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/vnd.shp, x-gis/x-shapefile .shp
SPSSCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .dat, .por, .sav, .sps, .spv ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .dat, .sps
SPSS.porCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/x-spss-por .por
SPSS.savCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/x-spss-sav .sav, .spv, .zsav
SPSS.spvCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .spo, .spv
STATACopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .DO, .dat, .dta ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .DO, .dat
STATA.dtaCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied .dta
SVGCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/svg+xml .svg, .svgz
TARCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/x-tar .tar
TEICopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/tei+xml .tei, .xml
TEIHeaderCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/tei+xml .tei, .xml
TEISpokenCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/tei+xml;forma t-variant=tei-iso-spoken , application/tei+xml;forma t-variant=tei-iso-spoken; tokenized=[0,1] .tei
TIFFCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied image/tiff .tif, .tiff
ToolboxCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .tbt
TransanaCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .xml
TRSCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/xml .trs
TSVCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/tab-separated-values .tsv
WAVECopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied audio/vnd.wave, audio/wav, audio/wave, audio/x-wav .wav, .wave
WorldfileCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .wld
Worldfile.jpgwCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .jgw, .jpgw
Worldfile.tifwCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied text/plain .tfw, .tifw
XHTMLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/xhtml+xml .html
XLSXCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/vnd.openxmlfo rmats-officedocument.spre adsheetml.sheet .xlsx
XMLCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/xml .xml
ZIPCopy ID to clipboardFormat ID copied application/zip .zip