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Popular Formats

This section presents statistics concerning "popular" data deposition formats (however popularity can be defined) and should be considered work in progress. Feel welcome to add your suggestions to the discussion at GitHub. For a bit of inspiration, you might want to consult the page that is for now only made available to you, our 1-millionth viewer, and which visualises (at the bottom) our still skeletal and imperfectly implemented idea of format families.

Minimum number of recommendations:
Show formats with the 3 highest numbers of recommendations
Domain Format Number of Recommendations
Audiovisual Annotation TEISpoken 10
Audiovisual Annotation Praat 8
Audiovisual Annotation EAF 7
Audiovisual Annotation EXB 5
Audiovisual Annotation EXS 5
Audiovisual Annotation CHAT 5
Audiovisual Annotation FLN 3
Audiovisual Annotation TRS 3
Audiovisual Annotation CHAT-XML 2
Audiovisual Annotation TEI 2
Audiovisual Annotation XML 2
Audiovisual Annotation Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Audiovisual Annotation AG XML 1
Audiovisual Annotation EMU 1
Audiovisual Annotation BPF 1
Audiovisual Annotation SAM 1
Audiovisual Annotation ANVIL 1
Audiovisual Annotation FLEx 1
Audiovisual Annotation Toolbox 1
Audiovisual Source Language Data WAVE 26
Audiovisual Source Language Data MP4 16
Audiovisual Source Language Data FLAC 12
Audiovisual Source Language Data AIFF 7
Audiovisual Source Language Data MPEG-2 7
Audiovisual Source Language Data MPEG-4 AVC 7
Audiovisual Source Language Data MP3 6
Audiovisual Source Language Data MPEG-1 6
Audiovisual Source Language Data QuickTime 6
Audiovisual Source Language Data AVI 5
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 5
Audiovisual Source Language Data RAW 3
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 3
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 3
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 2
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 2
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Audiovisual Source Language Data NIST SPHERE 1
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Audiovisual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Catalogue Metadata CMDI 8
Catalogue Metadata XML 2
Contextual Data JP2 1
Contextual Data JPEG 1
Contextual Data PDF/A 1
Contextual Data PNG 1
Contextual Data plainText 1
Contextual Data TIFF 1
Contextual Data XHTML 1
Contextual Information CMDI 2
Contextual Information XML 2
Contextual Information Coma 1
Documentation HTML 13
Documentation XML 12
Documentation PDF 11
Documentation plainText 11
Documentation TEI 10
Documentation Markdown 6
Documentation PDF/A 6
Documentation Click to add or suggest missing format information 5
Documentation PDF/A-2 4
Documentation PDF/A-3 4
Documentation PDF/A-1 3
Documentation DOCX 3
Documentation Click to add or suggest missing format information 3
Documentation Click to add or suggest missing format information 3
Documentation Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Documentation Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Documentation Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Geodata KML 6
Geodata GML 5
Geodata GeoTIFF 4
Geodata QGIS.qgs 3
Geodata Shapefile 3
Geodata GeoJSON 3
Geodata ASCII Grid 2
Geodata AutoCAD DXF-R12 2
Geodata Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Geodata ArcGIS.gdb 1
Geodata ArcGIS.mxd 1
Geodata Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Geodata Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Geodata DXF 1
Geodata Erdas.img 1
Geodata MapInfo.mif 1
Geodata 1
Geodata MapInfo.wor 1
Geodata Worldfile.jpgw 1
Geodata Worldfile.tifw 1
Geodata XML 1
Image Annotation XML 2
Image Source Language Data TIFF 13
Image Source Language Data JPEG 11
Image Source Language Data SVG 10
Image Source Language Data PNG 9
Image Source Language Data GIF 6
Image Source Language Data PDF/A 6
Image Source Language Data BMP 2
Image Source Language Data JP2 2
Image Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 2
Image Source Language Data PDF 1
Image Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Image Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Image Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Image Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Image Source Language Data DICOM 1
Image Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Image Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Language Description XML 2
Language Description Click to add or suggest missing format information 2
Lexical Resource CSV 10
Lexical Resource TSV 6
Lexical Resource LMF 5
Lexical Resource XML 2
Lexical Resource Click to add or suggest missing format information 2
Lexical Resource plainText 1
Lexical Resource Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Lexical Resource Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Lexical Resource Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Lexical Resource Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Lexical Resource Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Metadata CMDI 9
Metadata CSV 7
Metadata XML 7
Metadata DC XML 6
Metadata JSON 6
Metadata TEIHeader 5
Metadata Click to add or suggest missing format information 2
Metadata TSV 1
Metadata Coma 1
Metadata DGD-XML 1
Metadata Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Metadata JSON-LD 1
Other PDF 2
Other CSV 1
Other Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Other Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Other Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Other PDF/A 1
Other Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Other Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Other SVG 1
Other Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Other XLSX 1
Packaging ZIP 8
Packaging GZIP 7
Packaging TAR 4
Packaging HDF5 3
Packaging Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Statistical Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 4
Statistical Data SAS.sd2 2
Statistical Data 2
Statistical Data SPSS.por 2
Statistical Data SPSS.sav 2
Statistical Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Statistical Data 1
Statistical Data STATA 1
Statistical Data SPSS 1
Statistical Data SPSS.spv 1
Statistical Data 1
Statistical Data STATA.dta 1
Text Annotation TEI 14
Text Annotation XML 13
Text Annotation CoNLL-U 10
Text Annotation Click to add or suggest missing format information 5
Text Annotation JSON 5
Text Annotation ALTO 4
Text Annotation Click to add or suggest missing format information 3
Text Annotation CoNLL-X 3
Text Annotation DTABf 3
Text Annotation JSON-LD 3
Text Annotation I5 2
Text Annotation Click to add or suggest missing format information 2
Text Annotation Click to add or suggest missing format information 2
Text Annotation plainText 1
Text Annotation Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Text Annotation PAULA 1
Text Annotation Menota 1
Text Annotation Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Text Annotation Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Text Annotation Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Text Annotation CWB-VRT 1
Textual Source Language Data plainText 19
Textual Source Language Data PDF 8
Textual Source Language Data HTML 6
Textual Source Language Data JSON 5
Textual Source Language Data Praat 4
Textual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 4
Textual Source Language Data CoNLL-U 4
Textual Source Language Data PDF/A 4
Textual Source Language Data EAF 3
Textual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 3
Textual Source Language Data FoLiA 2
Textual Source Language Data DOCX 2
Textual Source Language Data Markdown 2
Textual Source Language Data BPF 1
Textual Source Language Data PDF/A-2 1
Textual Source Language Data PDF/A-3 1
Textual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Textual Source Language Data I5 1
Textual Source Language Data CoNLL-X 1
Textual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Textual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Textual Source Language Data Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Textual Source Language Data XML 1
Tool Support Click to add or suggest missing format information 7
Tool Support Click to add or suggest missing format information 6
Tool Support Click to add or suggest missing format information 6
Tool Support JS 4
Tool Support Click to add or suggest missing format information 2
Tool Support FST 1
Tool Support MPEG-1 1
Tool Support Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Tool Support Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Tool Support Click to add or suggest missing format information 1
Tool Support XML 1