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Esri File Geodatabase
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Abbreviation: ArcGIS.gdb
Type Id
SIS ID fArcGIS.gdb Copy ID to clipboardSIS ID copied
LOCLibrary of Congress fdd000294
PRONOMUK National Archives fmt/990
Wikidata Q50376365
Media type(s):
File extension(s): .gdb
Functional domains:
  • Geodata
Centre Domain Level Comments
DANS GeodataInformation on geographic locations. acceptable See more info from DANS

"Esri created the file geodatabase to be a container for storing multiple attribute tables, vector and raster data sets. It’s the successor of the personal geodatabase (MDB) – and Esri recommends file geodatabases over personal geodatabases.

File geodatabases offer structural and performance advantages. They have fast performance, versatile relationships, compatible storage for rasters, improved spatial indexes, data compression, customizable configuration, and 1 terabyte file size restrictions.

Within a geodatabase, geographic datasets are referred to as feature classes. But geodatabases can store more complex data such as networks, raster mosaics, and feature data sets." (from

See the following for more information:

Keywords: GIS, ArcGIS, Esri