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CoNLL unqualified
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Abbreviation: CoNLL
Type Id
SIS ID fCoNLL Copy ID to clipboardSIS ID copied
Media type(s):
Format family: Plain.Columnar
Functional domains:
  • Text Annotation
Centre Domain Level Comments
PORTULAN-CLARIN Text AnnotationAnnotations of textual sources/written text, with the original text included or as stand-off. discouraged should use CoNLL-X or CoNLL-U

CoNLL expands into "Computational Natural Language Learning", which is the name of a conference chain where the format(s) originated. Unqalified "CoNLL" should be considered a meta-format (plain text, column-based) that should not be referenced by SIS recommendations.

Formats that can be used across CLARIN:

Keywords: annotation format, corpus encoding, format family