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Language Archive Cologne
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Abbreviation: LAC
Research infrastructure:
  • CLARIN (C-centre)
  • Text+ (Collections, Lexical Resources)
Warning: The recommendations have not been curated yet.

The Language Archive Cologne (LAC) supports research, learning and teaching with high quality and dependable digital language resources. The LAC facilitates free and open online access to research data. It does this by preserving digital audio and video data, annotations, and other digital language data in the long term, and by promoting and disseminating these resources. The LAC promotes open and sustainable practices in the use of digital language data in the humanities and provides technical advice to the research community, and supports the deployment of digital technologies in research and teaching.

Data functions covered by the recommendations: ...
Format recommendations:
Format Domain Level Comments
EXB Audiovisual AnnotationAnnotations of audiovisual sources, usually including a basic rendering of the spoken content (transcription) and sometimes further annotation. acceptable
EXS Audiovisual AnnotationAnnotations of audiovisual sources, usually including a basic rendering of the spoken content (transcription) and sometimes further annotation. acceptable
FLEx Audiovisual AnnotationAnnotations of audiovisual sources, usually including a basic rendering of the spoken content (transcription) and sometimes further annotation. acceptable
Praat Audiovisual AnnotationAnnotations of audiovisual sources, usually including a basic rendering of the spoken content (transcription) and sometimes further annotation. acceptable
Toolbox Audiovisual AnnotationAnnotations of audiovisual sources, usually including a basic rendering of the spoken content (transcription) and sometimes further annotation. acceptable Toolbox files are still acceptable, but the format itself has proven to be problematic and should be avoided if possible.
JPEG Contextual DataImages (photos or drawings) or documents relevant to the communicative event or text but not part of the source language data. acceptable
PNG Contextual DataImages (photos or drawings) or documents relevant to the communicative event or text but not part of the source language data. acceptable
CMDI MetadataComprehensive structured information including descriptive, structural and administrative metadata. See the for further hints. acceptable
CSV MetadataComprehensive structured information including descriptive, structural and administrative metadata. See the for further hints. acceptable preferably with W3C Metadata for Tabular Data annotations
XML MetadataComprehensive structured information including descriptive, structural and administrative metadata. See the for further hints. acceptable
EAF Audiovisual AnnotationAnnotations of audiovisual sources, usually including a basic rendering of the spoken content (transcription) and sometimes further annotation. recommended
TEI Audiovisual AnnotationAnnotations of audiovisual sources, usually including a basic rendering of the spoken content (transcription) and sometimes further annotation. recommended
TEISpoken Audiovisual AnnotationAnnotations of audiovisual sources, usually including a basic rendering of the spoken content (transcription) and sometimes further annotation. recommended
QuickTime Audiovisual Source Language DataAudio or video recordings providing spoken/multimodal or signed language data for research purposes. recommended Video codec h.264 (preferred profile: main, level: 4.0, 1080p, 30fps), Audio encoding LPCM (preferred sampling rate 48 kHz and bit depth 16 bit)
MPEG-4 AVC Audiovisual Source Language DataAudio or video recordings providing spoken/multimodal or signed language data for research purposes. recommended Video codec h.264 (preferred profile: main, level: 4.0, 1080p, 30fps), Audio encoding AAC (LC) (preferred sampling rate 48 kHz and bit rate 128–384 kbps)
WAVE Audiovisual Source Language DataAudio or video recordings providing spoken/multimodal or signed language data for research purposes. recommended LPCM audio (preferred sampling rate 48 kHz and bit depth 16 bit)
JP2 Contextual DataImages (photos or drawings) or documents relevant to the communicative event or text but not part of the source language data. recommended
PDF/A Contextual DataImages (photos or drawings) or documents relevant to the communicative event or text but not part of the source language data. recommended
plainText Contextual DataImages (photos or drawings) or documents relevant to the communicative event or text but not part of the source language data. recommended UTF-8 encoding
TIFF Contextual DataImages (photos or drawings) or documents relevant to the communicative event or text but not part of the source language data. recommended
XHTML Contextual DataImages (photos or drawings) or documents relevant to the communicative event or text but not part of the source language data. recommended
CMDI MetadataComprehensive structured information including descriptive, structural and administrative metadata. See the for further hints. recommended Profile BLAM-bundle-repository-v0.14
Last update commit-id: 00eb783d