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LaTeX document
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Abbreviation: LaTeX
Type Id
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LOCLibrary of Congress n92088870
Wikidata Q5310
Media type(s):
File extension(s): .latex
Format family: TeX
Functional domains extracted from the recommendations:
Centre Domain Level Comments
CLARIN:EL Textual Source Language Data Written unstructured/plain text or originally structured text (e.g. HTML), without linguistic or other mark-up added for research purposes. recommended Formatted/Encoded
ILC4CLARIN Documentation Unstructured documentation of the resource and its parts such as corpus or annotation guidelines. recommended
UdS Documentation Unstructured documentation of the resource and its parts such as corpus or annotation guidelines. acceptable Pakete, die nicht zur Standardauswahl gehören, sollten ebenfalls archiviert werden.
ZIM Documentation Unstructured documentation of the resource and its parts such as corpus or annotation guidelines. recommended

LaTeX is a typesetting format.

See: Wikipedia

Keywords: LaTeX, TeX, typesetting