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Language resource management — Lexical markup framework
Abbreviation: LMF
Scope: Development of a model for the creation and use of lexical resources
Topic: Lexical Knowledge
Standard body: ISO
Keywords: lexicon, multilingual, data category registry, DCR

"ISO 24613:2008 is a withdrawn standard that describes the Lexical Markup Framework (LMF), a metamodel for representing data in lexical databases used with monolingual and multilingual computer applications.

LMF provides mechanisms that allow the development and integration of a variety of electronic lexical resource types. These mechanisms will present existing lexicons as far as possible. If this is impossible, problematic information will be identified and isolated." (Abstract, ISO 24613:2008)

(Search the published ISO TC37 SC4 standards (with "LMF" in the title) for the list of the current LMF standards family.

Reference(s): Example_LMF.xml

Version Title: Language resource management — Lexical markup framework
Abbreviation: LMF-2012 [not official, only for reference in this website]
Version Number: ISO 24613:2008
Status: International Standard
Release Date: 2012-07-11
  1. ISO/TC 37/SC 4/WG 4
Related Standard(s):
  • DCR

    The linguistics constants in LMF are based on the data categories defined in Data Category Registry

  • Unicode

    LMF uses the Unicode.

  • WordSeg-1-2010

    ISO/CD 24614-1 (Standard for Word segmentation, Part 1) should be used in close conjunction with LMF



