Show all info regardless research infrastructures. Switch to CLARIN environment and show only relevant info to CLARIN, e.g. format recommendations by CLARIN centres. Switch to Text+ environment and show only relevant info to Text+, e.g. format recommendations by Text+ centres. Switch to DARIAH environment and show only relevant info to DARIAH, e.g. format recommendations by DARIAH centres.

This page lists centres encoded in the SIS, together with their status. Among the CLARIN centres, B-centres and numerous C-centres provide data deposition services. It is a safe assumption that centres belonging to other research infrastructures that are listed here also provide depositing services, but that feature may change in time and this is why there is a separate column indicating the 'depositing' status.

While the ideal situation would be one where all depositing centres maintain their recommendations in the SIS, in fact that depends on several factors. Centres that have explicitly curated their recommendations are indicated by a tick in the 'Curated' column.

The life of a centre in a research infrastructure can be a dynamic affair, while the list below always only holds a snapshot of the state of the network at a certain (usually fairly random) date. We are not able to monitor that in real time. If you see omissions or errors in the list below, please kindly let us know.

ID Name Research Infrastructure Depositing Curated
SADiLaR South African Centre for Digital Language Resources CLARIN (C-centre aiming-for-B)
CLARIN.SI CLARIN.SI Language Technology Centre CLARIN (B-centre)
PORTULAN-CLARIN PORTULAN CLARIN Research Infrastructure for the Science and Technology of Language CLARIN (B-centre,K-centre)
COCOON Collections de corpus oraux numeriques CLARIN (C-centre)
ORTOLANG Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage CLARIN (C-centre)
CELR-EKK Center of Estonian Language Resources CLARIN (C-centre)
BAS Bayerisches Archiv für Sprachsignale CLARIN (B-centre)
Text+ (Collections)
CLST Centre for Language and Speech Technology CLARIN (C-centre)
IDS Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache CLARIN (C-centre)
Text+ (Collections, Lexical Resources, Operations)
CLARINO_Bergen CLARINO Bergen Center CLARIN (B-centre,K-centre)
Sprakbanken Språkbanken CLARIN (C-centre)
SAW SAW Leipzig CLARIN (B-centre)
Text+ (Lexical Resources, Operations)
ELAR Endangered Languages Archive CLARIN (C-centre)
MPI-PL MPI for Psycholinguistics CLARIN (B-centre)
CEDIFOR Centre for the Digital Foundation of Research in the Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences CLARIN (C-centre aiming-for-B)
CMU CMU-TalkBank CLARIN (B-centre,K-centre)
IMS Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung CLARIN (C-centre)
ACDH-ARCHE Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage - A Resource Centre for the Humanities CLARIN (B-centre)
MI Meertens Instituut/HuC CLARIN (C-centre)
HZSK Universität Hamburg, Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora CLARIN (K-Centre)
Text+ (Collections)
CLARIN-DK-UCPH The CLARIN Centre at the University of Copenhagen CLARIN (B-centre,K-centre)
EKUT Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen CLARIN (B-centre)
Text+ (Collections, Lexical Resources)
CLARIN-PL1 CLARIN-PL Language Technology Centre CLARIN (B-centre,K-centre)
TROLLing The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics CLARIN (C-centre)
lundlab Lund University Humanities Lab CLARIN (C-centre, K-centre)
ERCC Eurac Research CLARIN Centre CLARIN (C-centre aiming-for-B)
CLARIN-LT CLARIN-LT CLARIN (C-centre aiming-for-B)
CLARIN-IS CLARIN-IS (Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies) CLARIN (B-centre)
LAC Language Archive Cologne CLARIN (C-centre)
Text+ (Collections, Lexical Resources)
FIN-CLARIN The Language Bank of Finland CLARIN (B-centre)
OTA Oxford Text Archive CLARIN (C-centre)
CLARIN:EL CLARIN:EL National Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technologies in Greece CLARIN (B-centre)
ZIM ZIM Centre for Information Modelling CLARIN (B-centre)
BBAW Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities CLARIN (B-centre)
Text+ (Collections, Lexical Resources, Editions)
DH-REP DARIAH-DE Repository CLARIN (C-centre)
IVDNT Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal CLARIN (B-centre)
TGrep TextGrid Repository CLARIN (C-centre)
DANS Data Archiving and Networked Services CLARIN (C-centre)
UdS Universität des Saarlandes CLARIN (B-centre)
Text+ (Collections)
ILC4CLARIN The ILC4CLARIN Centre at the Institute for Computational Linguistics CLARIN (B-centre)
CLARIN-CH CLARIN Switzerland CLARIN (B-centre)
MPCDF Max Planck Computing and Data Facility CLARIN (E-centre)
FZJ Forschungzentrum Jülich CLARIN (E-centre)
Text+ (Operations)
GWDG Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen CLARIN (E-centre)
Text+ (Operations)
TextLab CLARINO Text Laboratory Centre CLARIN (C-centre)
Huygens Huygens ING CLARIN (C-centre)
GEI Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research CLARIN (C-centre)
CLARIN-LV CLARIN Centre of Latvian language resources and tools CLARIN (B-centre)
PolMine PolMine Project CLARIN (C-centre)
MMSHs-Phonothèque Mediterranean Research Centre for the Humanities' Phonothèque CLARIN (C-centre)
NB.NO National Library of Norway CLARIN (C-centre aiming-for-B)