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PDF for archival preservation with support for embedded files, 2012
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Abbreviation: PDF/A-3
Type Id
SIS ID fPDFA-3 Copy ID to clipboardSIS ID copied
LOCLibrary of Congress fdd000360
Media type(s):
File extension(s): .pdf
Format family: PDF/A
Functional domains:
  • Documentation
  • Textual Source Language Data
Centre Domain Level Comments
ACDH-ARCHE DocumentationUnstructured documentation of the resource and its parts such as corpus or annotation guidelines. acceptable
ORTOLANG DocumentationUnstructured documentation of the resource and its parts such as corpus or annotation guidelines. acceptable
ORTOLANG Textual Source Language DataWritten unstructured/plain text or originally structured text (e.g. HTML) without linguistic or other mark-up added for research purposes. acceptable
OTA DocumentationUnstructured documentation of the resource and its parts such as corpus or annotation guidelines. acceptable
Sprakbanken DocumentationUnstructured documentation of the resource and its parts such as corpus or annotation guidelines. acceptable

PDF/A-3 is a format that differs from PDF/A-2 in only one regard: it allows embedding of arbitrary file formats (such as XML, CSV, CAD, word-processing documents, spreadsheet documents, and others) into PDF/A conforming documents. Other formats in the PDF/A family are as follows:

  • PDF/A-1: "Part 1: Use of PDF 1.4" (2005-09-28)
  • PDF/A-2: "Part 2: Use of ISO 32000-1" (2011-06-20)
  • PDF/A-4: "Part 4: Use of ISO 32000-2" (2020-11)

Centres should note that Part 1 references an obsolete version of PDF, while parts 2 and 3 reference the fully open PDF 1.7.

For more details, see a Wikipedia overview or consult the standards documents, where available.

VeraPDF is an open-source validator for PDF/A formats.

On concerns over PDF/A-3 from the archival perspective, see "Archivists: No Flowers For PDF/A-3".

Keywords: document format, binarized TextualData
Related Standard(s):
